Monday, April 18, 2011
Wristbands4$ale now has CHAIN BUBBLES on $$$SALE$$$ Right now, you can get 1000 Chain Bubbles wristbands for only...hold on...are you sitting down? Because you might pass out when you hear this price! 1000 Chain Bubble wristbands for only $20.00!!!!!! Are you still with me? Did you hurt yourself on the way down?!?! You read that right! Only 20 bananas for 1000 chain bubble wristbands!! 20 soup cans equals ONE THOUSAND wristbands!! Are you doing that math??? In the words of Albert Einstein: "Twenty pudding packs for a thousand wristbands???? O-M-G!!!!!" It doesn't take a genius to see this is the best deal ever in the history of the time! Get over to Wristbands4$ale now and take advantage of this INSANE deal while it last!